Overview of our little vacation goes like this...
Arrived in Phoenix Wednesday evening.
Gage like I said before really liked all the planes and the airport. He really was a good little boy the whole time.
Thursday we woke up to rain and rain and a little more rain! We hung around the house most of the day. Vicki and Darci both had school till close till noon. We tried to swim that morning. A bit cold so mommy and Gage didn't stay in long. Everyone pretty much watched Quin swim (she's a little fish).
Trevor's graduation was that evening so we went to that soggy little ceremony. Around 750 kids graduated. In the pouring down soaking wet rain we sat thru the entire thing unlike almost everyone else since that was the reason we went we wanted to hear Trev's name called. So we waited for him...he was like number 744 it seemed like!
After we got back to the house and everyone got comfortable we hung out there with a small graduation party for Trevor.
Friday we wanted to go to the zoo...wasn't meant to be though. It rained and rained. We ended up going to Peter Piper Pizza (like Chucky Cheese kinda). That was fun. Gage and Quin had fun and I think mom and Vicki had a good time playing deal or no deal. They were all excited that they won 125 tickets!!!! Kids kids!
After that we went back to Vicki's. Curt, Vicki, Quin and my mom went on a sight seeing adventure. Darci and I had other plans. Since Grandma and Grandpa were at the house and not going anywhere we left my napping son with them and went and got pedicures. That was fun! We walked a couple blocks down to a little shop and every seat in the nail place was full. We then went back to the house. We had lasagna for supper and after that Darci's boyfriend Kevin came over and we all played trash train. Gage enjoyed playing with the train's and I think grandma ended up winning that game. Time change still had Gage and I so about 10 pm we headed for bed.
Saturday we woke up to...you guessed it rain! But by 10 am it was leaving so we all headed off to the zoo and had a wonderful time. I wanted to do something fun with Gage there so Gage and I rode a camel. He absolutely loved it! Thru out the tour sometime around the monkey's Gage got tired and just couldn't hang with us anymore. We were almost done by the time he fell esleep though.
After the zoo we went back to the Willems home and hung out for the part of the evening. Darci went to her boyfriends and Trevor went to his girlfriends so Vicki, Quin, Gage and I went to the mall and walked around for a while. Gage was kinda bad so we hung out for a while. We rode the carousel and then came home. We were all pretty much beat so we went to bed not long after that.
Sunday we got up to SUN! Was that possible I wondered to myself? We tried to swim but it was FREEZING! We sat by the pool and enjoyed some strawberry daquiri's and then packed and headed back to the airport.
Gage took his nap when we got up in the air and I woke him up when we were getting ready to land. Finally got home around 8 pm that evening.
All and all we had a very nice trip and I learned that my son is a good traveler and now I know it is possible to travel and stay sane.