Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kindergarten Update

I find it easiest to communicate with Gage's teacher by email. This morning I had emailed her with a question and after answering me she added this:

I have a very cute Gage story...he may have told you about it already.  Yesterday we were talking about Mary Had a Little Lamb, so I asked the kids where their lamb would follow them and asked them to draw a picture.  I walked around and visited with each of them, when I got to Gage I was astonished to see a drawing of the Eiffel Tower and he informed me that his lamb would follow him to would his teacher!! :)  I just thought it was great that he knew about the Eiffel Tower & Paris!!

He is really loving Kindergarten and his teacher. The school's Chili Supper is this weekend and he has been sending his own piggy bank money so his teacher will win the crown. I don't know if she will win or not but he is going to be disappointed if she doesn't.

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